SE2021 DSP Lock-In Amplifier

The SE2021 digital lock-in amplifier is the latest core technology product with excellent high performance and broadband measurement capabilities. Based on digital modulation technology, the instrument is equipped with a 24-bit high-precision analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and a 16-bit high-speed analog-to-digital converter (DAC). With the newly launched stream architecture, it can accurately, quickly and flexibly detect effective signal components hidden in strong noise.

SE2021 can not only measure the amplitude and phase information of the input signal at the same time, but also has reached the international leading level in key performance indicators such as measurement accuracy, operating frequency range, signal-to-noise ratio and dynamic reserve. In addition, the newly added multi-harmonic measurement, oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer functions, and PID control functions make SE2021 widely applicable to various needs in scientific research and industrial fields.

* Saluki SE2021 can be comparable to SRS SR860, even better and more stable.

Key Features

Measurement frequency range 10μHz to 1.5MHz

Input noise as low as 2.5nV/√Hz

Input range 1nV to 5Vrms

Time constant 100ns to 3ks

Dynamic reserve greater than 130dB

8-channel demodulator synchronous measurement

Spectrum analysis, oscilloscope function

2-channel PID controller

  • Input signal channel

    SE2021 is equipped with a low-noise analog front-end amplifier that can efficiently process differential or single-ended signals, with an equivalent input noise as low as 2.5nV/√Hz. The input impedance of this channel is 10MΩ, and the full-scale sensitivity range is 1nVrms to 5Vrms. In addition, the signal input channel uses a high-precision 24-bit ADC, and the dynamic range can reach more than 130dB.

  • Output signal channel

    Based on a 32 MSPS 16-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC), the SE2021 is capable of generating high-precision sine wave signals in the frequency range of 1 Hz to 250 kHz, and can adjust the DC bias. The signal amplitude range is 0.1Vrms to 5Vrms, and the DC bias range is ±5Vdc. For external devices that require bias voltage, such as electro-optical modulators, the SE2021 can directly drive the device without an additional level conversion amplifier due to its excellent driving capability. The phase of the output signal is synchronized with the internal oscillator of the instrument, and the phase offset can be set independently. In addition, the SE2021 supports AM/FM/PM modulation functions, which is convenient for users to control the modulation of the system.

  • Reference signal channel

    The reference signal of the phase-locked amplifier can be selected as a sine wave or square wave signal according to the actual needs of the user, or the reference signal synthesized digitally inside the instrument can be used. When SE2021 is set to the internal reference signal mode, the high-precision oscillator and digital synthesis algorithm inside the instrument will generate a sine wave signal for multiplying the input signal, and the internal reference signal is almost unaffected by phase noise. Through digital phase shifting technology, the phase resolution of the internal reference signal can reach 1μdeg.

    When SE2021 works in the external reference signal mode, it can accept a sine wave signal or TTL logic level as an external reference signal, which will be locked by the internal digital phase-locked loop. Based on the frequency of the reference signal, SE2021 can detect the same frequency of the signal and its harmonics, and can detect up to 10,000 harmonics of the fundamental frequency, but the maximum harmonic frequency cannot exceed the upper limit of the instrument’s measurement bandwidth.

  • Digital Demodulator

    SE2021 has 8 synchronous demodulators, each of which can be controlled independently. SE2021 time constants can be flexibly set in the range of 100ns to 3ks, and users can customize time constants according to their needs. The steep drop rate of the filter can be selected from 6-48 dB/oct to a total of 8 orders. Using digital modulation technology and advanced filter structure, SE2021 has higher dynamic reserve (>130dB), more accurate phase (absolute phase error <1°), zero DC drift and excellent orthogonal performance compared to traditional analog lock-in amplifiers. In addition, SE2021 provides an optional synchronous filter that can quickly eliminate the influence of signal harmonics, ensuring that the instrument can accurately detect low-frequency signals while responding quickly.

  • Color display

    SE2021 is equipped with a 5.6-inch TFT color display with a resolution of 640×480 as the main display interface of the instrument, and the instrument can be fully independently controlled through the keyboard. On the display, users can flexibly view the demodulator’s X, Y, R, θ and other parameters, and can also configure a variety of basic settings such as filter constants. The operation is intuitive and convenient.

  • Communication interface

    SE2021 has USB2.0, 1000Mbps RJ45 network port, WIFI wireless network interface, RS232 serial port and GPIB interface. Through various communication interfaces, users can effectively use all the test functions of SE2021 on the control computer, set reasonable control parameters of the instrument and read the data measured by the instrument.

  • Host computer software

    SE2021 also provides users with professional host computer software. Each demodulator, input channel, and output channel of the lock-in amplifier can be configured through a schematic block diagram or a control panel, which is both professional and practical and concise and intuitive. The software has clear numerical display and real-time waveform display functions. The measurement results can be exported and saved in csv files for subsequent analysis by professional software, making the test handy. In addition, we also fully support the application programming interface (API) of Python, MATLAB and LabVIEW multiple programming languages.

  • Oscilloscope function

    The oscilloscope function has 2 signal channels, optional signal input, reference input, signal output, auxiliary input and output, and multiple trigger modes to display time domain signals for users in real time. Each channel has a maximum sampling depth of 65536 and an adjustable sampling time of 65μs – 1s.

  • PID Controller

    SE2021 has a built-in independent 2-channel digital PID controller with a sampling rate of up to 4 MSPS. The PID controller is closely connected with the phase-locked amplifier, and can control the amplitude, phase, frequency and other signals of the output signal according to the measured value of the demodulator, so as to achieve precise control of various controlled quantities.

  • Parameter Scanner

    The parameter scanner provides users with convenient fast scanning, enables instant drawing of frequency response, amplitude response and other curves, and provides single or cyclic scanning modes.

  • FFT spectrum analyzer

    The FFT spectrum analyzer analyzes the frequency domain information of the signal based on the waveform captured by the oscilloscope. Depending on the sampling rate and sampling depth, the frequency resolution range of the spectrum analyzer is approximately 1Hz – 31kHz.

  • Trusted by Universities and Research Institutes Around the World!

    Typical Customers:

    •  The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

    •  Universität Regensburg

    •  Rice University

    •  Weizmann Institute of Science

    •  University of Wisconsin-Madison

    •  Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    •  University of Texas at Austin

    •  Northeastern University


    You can trust us !

1. Signal Channel

Number of channels 2

Voltage Input Mode

Single-ended or Differential

Current Input Mode

Single-ended signal (transimpedance input)

Full-scale Sensitivity

1 nV to 5 V


•  Voltage: 10 MΩ // 25 pF

•  Current: 100 Ω or 1 kΩ

Dynamic Reserve

> 130 dB

Gain Accuracy

0.5% typ, 1% max

Voltage Noise

3.5nV/√Hz (f ≥ 1 kHz)
2.5 nV/√Hz(f ≥ 10 kHz)

Current Noise

20 fA/√Hz (f = 97Hz)

2. Reference Channel

•  Channel:2

•  Frequency range: 10 μHz – 1.5 MHz

•  Supported input waveforms:

Square or sine wave

•  Input impedance: 1 MΩ


•  Resolution: 1 µdeg

•  Absolute phase error: Typical ±0.5deg, Maximum ±1deg

•  Orthogonality: < 200 ppm/℃

•  Harmonic detection: 1-10000F (nF < 250 kHz)

Acquisition Time

•  Internal ref.: Real-time collection

•  External ref.: 10 or 100 signal cycles

3. Oscillator

• Number of digital oscillators: 2

• Oscillator parameters
Accuracy 0.3 ppm
Temperature stability 0.5 ppm/℃
Aging rate <1 ppm/year
Phase noise -145 dBc/Hz (@1kHz)

4. Internal Oscillator

0.3 ppm


0.5 ppm/℃

5. Interface


8. General
Power Requirement

•  Voltage: 220 – 240 VAC, 100 – 120 VAC (optional)

•  Power: Typical 50 W, Maximum 70 W




12 kg

Main Machine

Module No. Item Description
SE2021 Digital Lock-in Amplifier 10μHz to 1.5MHz, 1nV to 5Vrms full-scale sensitivity

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    Saluki Technology