Using SCIP Programme to Build A Calculate Subsystem
Release time :2021.03.23 Reading quantity:1164

Saluki S3332 series handheld spectrum analyzer has USB, LAN or remote interface. User can control spectrum analyzer by these interface. In the previous article, we have introduced the SCPI programme and basic commands. In this section, we show how to use SCIP programme to build the calculate subsystem.

Saluki S3332 handheld spectrum analyzer

Fig.1 Saluki S3332 handheld spectrum analyzer


CALCulate: MARKer Subsection

Markers All Off on All Traces

Command format: :CALCulate:MARKer:AOFF

Function description: This command turns off all markers on all traces.


Turn on or off COUNT

Command format: CALCulate:MARKer:FCOunt[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1

Function description: Turn on or off the COUNT function


Query Frequency Values of COUNT

Command format: CALCulate:MARKer:FCOunt:X?

Function description: Query frequency values of COUNT, unit is Hz.


l Set Mark As Current Mark

Command format: CALCulate:MARKer:CURrent 0|1|2|3

Function description: Set mark as current mark, easy for control.


Set Measurement Type of Current Mark

Command format:


Function description:

Set measurement type of current mark

Query measurement type of current mark

Parameter specification:

OFF: Turn off current cursor

POSition: to set measurement type as Normal

DELTa: to set measurement type as Different value

BAND: to set measurement type as Band

SPAN: to set measurement type as Span

Return format: Query return to POS,DELT,BAND,SPAN or OFF


Marker Peak Left Search

Command format: CALCulate:MARKer:MAXimum:LEFT

Function description: Search a peak which is the nearest on the left of current peak and meets the search condition, and mark with current cursor.

Instruction: “No peak is found” will be displayed on the screen when there is no approperate peak been found.


Marker Peak Right Search

Command format: CALCulate:MARKer:MAXimum:RIGHt

Function description: Search a peak which is the nearest on the right of current peak and meets the search condition, and mark with current cursor.

Instruction: “No peak is found” will be displayed on the screen when there is no approperate peak been found.


Marker Peak Next Search

Command format: CALCulate:MARKer:MAXimum:NEXT

Function description: Search a peak which amplitude is next only to current peak and meets the search condition, and mark with current cursor.

Instruction: “No peak is found” will be displayed on the screen when there is no approperate peak been found.


Execute Peak Search and Mark Once

Command format: CALCulate:MARKer:MAXimum:MAX

Function description: Execute peak search once as the setting of search mode, and mark it with current marker.


Check the Minimum Amplitude Value on the Trace

Command format: CALCulate:MARKer:MINimum

Function description: Check the minimum amplitude value on the trace, and mark it with current marker.

Instruction: It shows “No peak found” when can not find any peak.


Turn on or off the Continuous Peak Search

Command format: CALCulate:MARKer:CPEak[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1

Function description: Turn on continuous peak search and mark the peak with current marker. Or turn off the continuous peak search.

Instruction: If there is no marker be turned on, it turns on Marker 1 automaticly and marks peak.

Saluki Technology