Trace Display of S3101 Cable and Antenna Analyzer
Release time :2021.03.24 Reading quantity:1106

S3101 cable and antenna analyzer provides two types of mathematical operations for the currently active traces and reference traces; and provides three kinds of trace display methods.


1. Trace Operation

The cable and antenna analyzer provides D-value and ratio mathematical operation

(1) Press [Save/Recall] to enter Save/Recall menu bar;

(2) Obtain a reference trace;

(3) Click [Data – Mem] key, then the drawing area shows the corresponding traces by subtracting the stored data from the current measured data to realize the differential value calculation;

(4) Press [Data/Mem] key, then the drawing area displays the corresponding traces by divorcing store data from the measured data to achieve the ratio operation.


2. Trace Display

Each window can display up to two traces, and if a reference trace has been obtained, the traces can be displayed through the following steps:

(1) Press [Trace] to enter Trace menu bar;

(2) Click the [Data] menu, then the trace corresponded with the current measured data is displayed on the screen;

(3) Click [Store] menu, then the trace corresponded with the current stored data is displayed on the screen;

(4) Press [Data & Storage] key, then two traces corresponded with the measured data and stored data are displayed on the screen. As shown in following figure, the stored trace is in green, and the current sweep trace is yellow:


Fig.1 Trace Display

Saluki Technology