Capture Weak Signals By Using S3331 Handheld Spectrum Analyzer
Release time :2021.03.14 Reading quantity:1050 source:Salukirf, original

Saluki S3331 handheld spectrum analyzer has many measurement functions, including continuous signal measurement, N dB bandwidth measurement, channel power measurement, occupied bandwidth measurement, weak signal capture, harmonic distortion measurement, etc.. In this section, we mainly show the operation of using pre-amplifier to capture weak signals.

Fig.1 S3331 handheld spectrum analyzer


Following example uses a S1131 signal generator and generates a 500MHz, -80dBm continuous signal.


1) Connect the signal generator output port to S3331 RF test port.

2) Press [Preset] key to return the instrument to default status

3) Set test frequency.

Press [FREQ] key;

Select [Center FREQ] and input 500MHz;

Press [Span] key;

Select [Span] and input 10MHz.

4) Enable the pre-amplifier

Press [AMP] key;

Select [Ref level] and input -20dBm;

Select [Pre Amp On Off], enable the pre-amplifier.

The trace will be displayed as shown in the figure below.

5) Read out the result

Fig.2 Pre-amplifier on measurement

Saluki Technology