Covering K & Ka Frequency Bands in One Solid-state Power Amplifier Machine
Release time :2022.04.22 Reading quantity:834

We, Saluki Technology, recently developed an ultra-wideband solid-state power amplifier (S3871 series) that can cover both the K frequency band and Ka frequency band. That is to say, the working frequency of a whole machine can cover 18GHz-40GHz, the bandwidth can reach 22GHz, which is more than one octave so the ability to generate broadband high-power signals has been newly improved.


Among the microwave and millimeter-wave broadband solid-state power combining technologies, there are mainly planar power combining technology based on microstrip circuit, space power combining technology based on extended coaxial, and spatial power combining technology based on the radial waveguide, all of which have certain limitations. It cannot achieve broadband power synthesis in the range of 18GHz-40GHz. In order to solve the above limitations, Saluki adopts the ridge waveguide power synthesis technology based on the ultra-wideband electromagnetic bandgap structure, and successfully realizes the ultra-wideband power synthesis that spans the working bandwidth of the standard rectangular waveguide. The product of the combiner and power amplifier is shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1 SSPA whole machine


In the full frequency range of 18GHz-40GHz, this technology can achieve low loss, low reflection and high synthesis efficiency, with obvious advantages of passive structure-free debugging and high consistency of active circuit assembly, especially suitable for microwave and millimeter-wave ultra-broadband high-power testing It can be used in conjunction with the horn antenna to achieve broadband high-power signal transmission in the full frequency range, which greatly improves the user’s test efficiency.


The 18GHz-40GHz ultra-wideband power amplifier developed based on this technology has formed a series of products, and the output power has reached the order of one hundred watts. Test photos and output power curves are shown in Figure 2.


Figure 2 Test diagram and results

Saluki Technology