Application Fields of Digital Lock-in Amplifiers
Release time :2022.02.24 Reading quantity:926

lock-in amplifier is a type of amplifier that can extract a signal with a known carrier wave from an extremely noisy environment. The device is often used to measure phase shift, even when the signals are large, have a high SNR, and do not need further improvement.


The digital lock-in amplifier has a wide range of applications.

◊   Biotechnology

◊   Medicine

◊   Information and Communications

◊   Measuring Instruments

◊   Physics

◊   Solar Energy

◊   Microelectronics and Optoelectronics

◊   Batteries and Components

◊   Electric Power Production

◊   Optics and Lasers

◊   Materials

◊   Electronics

◊   Sensors


lock-in amplifier


Saluki Technology