【Product】Saluki Solid State Power Amplifiers
Release time :2023.02.06 Reading quantity:969

1、What is Saluki solid state power amplifiers?


Advances in gallium nitride (GaN) power semiconductor technology and modular design have enabled high power continuous wave (CW) and pulse amplifiers at microwave frequencies. Saluki solid-state power amplifier is a new product developed based on this technology. To put it simply, Saluki solid-state power amplifier is a module that integrates and packages circuits with amplification functions to amplify signals.


2、What are the advantages and application scenarios of Saluki solid-state power amplifiers?


Saluki solid state power amplifiers owe the advantages of low voltage, long life, high efficiency, and high power, and they have been widely used in radio frequency/microwave/millimeter wave systems such as radar, mobile communication, interference, and identification, and occupy a very important position.


3、Classification of Saluki Solid State Power Amplifiers.


There are many kinds of solid-state power amplifiers, such as solid-state power amplifiers for amplifying audio (fool power amplifier blocks), and solid-state power amplifiers for amplifying microwave signals. Connect the output and it should work fine.


4、The outstanding performance of Saluki solid-state power amplifier.


Saluki solid state power amplifiers are capable of delivering hundreds of watts of output power over multiple octaves of the RF/microwave range, meaning that our solid state power amplifiers can support higher load impedances for a given output power level. Because of this high impedance, early adopters of these devices achieved partial success in some cases simply by mounting a device in a mismatched test fixture, applying a DC bias, and driving the device with an RF/microwave test signal. results.


Below we show you the typical performance of our broadband SSPA:

Output Power(MAX) 70W
Frequency Range 18GHz–40GHz
Input VSWR 1.5:1 (typ.)
VSWR Protection 3:1
Gain 40dB (min.)
Gain Flatness ± 5dB (max.)
Adjustable Gain 15dB (max.)


Saluki Technology